地址 / Address:上海市长宁区杨宅路258号No. 258 Yangzhai Road, Changning District, Shanghai
电话 / Telephone:021-52066839
地 址:上海市长宁区杨宅路258号
面 积:188-1196平方米
联 系 人:冯经理
租 金:4.5元起/平方米/日
物 管:0.7元/平方米/日
壹定发EDF新谷T STAR创意园是上海市文化创意产业重点项目之一,也是长宁区政府“十三五”规划打造虹桥时尚文化创意产业集聚区重要载体之一,以“时尚文创产业”为主题,聚集了众多时尚品牌企业的入驻,主力行业涉及一定发贸易、时尚品牌、面辅料检测、高级定制、国际时尚教育、文化传媒、广告设计、品牌推广等行业领域。园区紧靠东华大学延安校区,由法国设计师托玛斯担纲设计。
T STAR is one of the key project of cultural creative industry in Shanghai, is also a "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in planning to build" hongqiao district government fashion culture creative industry cluster area is one of the important carrier, with "fashion industry" as the theme, gathered a number of fashion brand enterprises, the main business involves apparel trade, fashion brands, textiles face detection, advanced customization, the international fashion education, cultural media, advertising design, brand promotion and other industries. The park is close to the Yan 'an campus of Donghua University, designed by French designer Thomas.